To Tux~
About the Diodes, I do not know the type, but the sales said it is ultrahigh speed in 35ns. I heard that the higher speed, the more pure power. That's why I try it! For avoiding the opening-closeing noise from the diodes, I used the Philips MKP cap. I would like to here your suggestion of the type of diodes. I do not know well about the relationship between the diodes and the quality of sound.
The regulators in digital power source is LM, not LT. I once try to buy some LT regulators, like LT 1086, from digikey, but it cost too expensive, so I give up and buy LM regulators from KEC.
About the OS-Con caps in the analogal power, I will make a decision after I here the sound. However, It may take a long long time because I do not have the amp and loudspeaker yet. I make the USB-DAC, gainclone(using TDA7294 chip), and loudspeaker(using a full-range driver, Fostex FF85K) at the same time. So, there are lots of work to do.
Using Rifa or WIMA Blackbox, it is hardly to get good answer. So, once again, whether chang it or not, I will make decision after here the sound.
Thanks your interests and suggestion. Any correspondence will be welcome.