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Want to Buy a CD Player under 10k

文章發表於 : 週三 2月 04, 2004 2:24 am
Any Suggestion?
I want to buy a CD Player+Headphone
Now i am thinking what CD player i should buy
I've heard CD 401,and new onkyo rx 7222
Don't know what can i buy?
I'll buy a M2.
Counld anyone give me some suggestion?

文章發表於 : 週三 2月 04, 2004 2:46 pm
usher cd-100

文章發表於 : 週四 2月 05, 2004 12:30 am
Thank you!
But I wanted to know about more.Does anyone have other suggestion?what they sounds like?
How about CD 401 and Onkyo 7222?
Counld any one help?
Thanks again ^_^

文章發表於 : 週四 2月 05, 2004 11:05 am
10k左右的cd player應該是那幾部,你要知道更多?知道哪些?
要搭配耳機的我不太了解,如果預算到到20k以上一些比較高階的cd player

文章發表於 : 週四 2月 05, 2004 2:04 pm
DEATH 寫:10k左右的cd player應該是那幾部,你要知道更多?知道哪些?
要搭配耳機的我不太了解,如果預算到到20k以上一些比較高階的cd player


文章發表於 : 週四 2月 05, 2004 3:13 pm
目前小弟的CEC TL52Z價格約23K左右,至於DA型號我可能要再去MYAV查一下,TL52Z是有使用皮帶傳動技術的機器,有別於CEC CD52也就是YAHOO拍賣常看到的,REGA好像也有一款PLAYER是2萬出頭,我去查一下再POST

文章發表於 : 週五 2月 06, 2004 2:35 am
Thank you very much 1st!
Hm... I don't really know more....
I have physically heard onkyo dx 7222 and nad c521.
but i don't like the sound of nad c521 cause it's sound too thin.I 've try onkyo dx 7222+m2 sounds much better(my personal taste)
but i've heard Tascam cd 401 is good...
so i hope in heard can get more advice and suggestion.

because don't have so many bugget in hand.only can get a cd player and a headphone.when i save more money i will get a pre amp and a speaker.
Thanks again!

文章發表於 : 週五 2月 06, 2004 7:52 pm
headphone I think GRADO SR325 is better than M2
and CD player, Marantz CD6000 is a good choise