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About UAB diodes...

文章發表於 : 週四 5月 29, 2003 10:34 pm
Any people in HK can kindly tell me where can I get some 1N506x in Hong Kong.... thx :x
I see many guys in Taiwan using this.. :oops:

And any comparsion with 1N400x , 1N506x really do much better?... :roll:

And I found some Fast Recovery Diode FR10X.... can I use in this place also? Is it as good as 1N506x :roll:

Thanks all! :bs:

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 30, 2003 1:30 am
小弟是用BYT52G,感覺還不錯喔 :)
其他除了1N4007那個系列以外的就沒用過了 :o

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 30, 2003 1:44 am
thx for help :D

I would like to ask ....is there any difference ...when compare 1N4007 vs BYT52G 8)
thx :bs:

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 30, 2003 9:09 pm
I finally choose MUR115, but dunno if ultra fast diode...will introduce RF noise or not...... :x

for my case, I compare my USB DAC against the DZ1855
although in Specification, DZ1855 should win...however, I feel that USB DAC 's sound is more dynamic, more bass and less noise at the background..... I dunno how to discribe......DZ1855, I was using 1N4004.....LM317/337 for LPF and LM1085-5 for AD1855, USB DAC using MUR115....LT317/337 for LPF and LM1085-5/LM1085-3.3 for PCM2702

Testing Condition:
2theMax(EPOX) 8RDA+ 's SPDIF out and USB2.0 onboard
Windows XP with Winamp 2.81 with MAD plugin and SRCC
For DZ1855---> MAD 24bit, SRCC 24bit, 96Khz
For USB DAC---> MAD 16bit , SRCC 24bit, 48Khz

GIGI Leung and Kit Yee Chan legal CDs, Joey Yeung mp3 192Khz.

I do think LT317/337 used in LPF and Diode give these differences....or maybe layout of pcb, Chang has done a good job :lol: :lol:

文章發表於 : 週六 6月 14, 2003 7:03 pm
wrong message..sor