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ATH a9x

文章發表於 : 週一 10月 14, 2002 7:07 pm
Strange Sound
How's this sound?(ATH a9x)compare to k501,sr 325,M2?

文章發表於 : 週一 10月 14, 2002 7:12 pm
Strange Sound
I want to buy a headphone under tw 9000.
I like k501 and m2 from what I heard.But my home is very noise.I want to know about ATH a9x.

文章發表於 : 週一 10月 14, 2002 8:06 pm
上次小弟有意換耳機時, 也考慮了 A9X, 後來試聽, 感覺隔絕效果不佳, 但是同時間有另一位網兄也正考慮 A9X, 他試聽後的感覺與我是恰恰相反. 結論: 自己聽最準. :haha: 至於聲音跟您提到的那幾隻耳機相比, ㄟ, 小弟都沒聽過, 沒辦法提供意見.

文章發表於 : 週一 10月 14, 2002 8:13 pm
Strange Sound
Yeah,I want to try too.But I'm not in TW.In here headphones are rare.

文章發表於 : 週一 10月 14, 2002 10:00 pm
I want to buy a headphone under tw 9000.
I like k501 and m2 from what I heard.But my home is very noise.I want to know about ATH a9x.
