基本上他的用意大概是把這筆貼在電源線上面,如果有電磁波露出來(電源線的包覆材料隔離不夠好,會導致電源的雜訊干擾),這筆就會叫。我上週買了 Supra 的幾條 cable 和一個排插,他就送了我一支這筆,但我不知道拿他怎辦?
[圖文引字 Supra 官網]
Tips and Tricks:
A simple way to check the cable radiation is to use an AC field sensor.
Hold the AC-sensor against a cable and if it lights up it means the cable is radiating noise fields. Of course, the cable must be connected to the wall socket that is switched on. Radiates!
Check Supra LoRad in the same way and you will find that it does not in-dicate any noise radiation. Please make sure it is connected to an earthed socket.
AC-sensors are available at Supra dealers or electrical stores.